It is our intention for 2023 to 2024 to use our sports premium to provide high quality professional development for our PE Co-ordinator and teaching staff.
We will also continue:
- to subsidise after school clubs to promote exercise and healthy choices.
- To provide different opportunities throughout the year for the children to experience different sports e.g. cricket training, archery, tennis.
- To continue our focus on outdoor learning providing forest school resources, releasing the forest school lead to be able to work with other year groups in the school and also PP children to develop their self-esteem and confidence.
- Invite sporting visitors into school to promote the importance of healthy lifestyles
- To purchase PE resources which will enhance the curriculum further.
Swimming lessons are delivered in Year 4 every year. The percentage of Year 6 pupils at the end of 2023/2024 who can swim 25 metres and meet the National Curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety is 97%.