The Friends of School group is known as FOSP (Friends of Stratford Primary) and is a registered charity set up to support the school socially, culturally and financially. We are passionate about our school and helping the children be the best they can be. Over the years we have raised money to help the school in numerous ways. FOSP organises a number of regular and one-off fundraising events and helps to recruit volunteers to support school events and activities.
Our Registered Charity Number is: 506999
Contact FOSP:
About the FOSP Committee:
FOSP raises a significant amount of money each year to go towards making our school the best it can be. This is done with the help of so many parents, carers, teachers, local businesses and probably more people than we can thank and name here. If you want to be involved in organising, deciding how the money raised is spent and participating in events, you can come along to the monthly FOSP meetings.
If you want to be more involved, you can also become part of the Friends Committee. Every year we hold our AGM in September and all positions are up for election. Everyone can run for a position and we really encourage new friends and faces. Below are brief descriptions of each position.
Being part of the committee is a great way to become part of the school, to get to know other parents and teachers and to make a real difference to your child's school experience.
Chair: Main duties include chairing monthly meetings, coordinating the running of FOSP events, liaising closely with the Executive Head to ensure FOSP is working in harmony with the school, and welcoming and involving all parents/carers. This is the most demanding of the roles, but also the most rewarding.
Treasurer: Responsibility for balancing the books, giving regular financial updates, costing events, and counting and banking money raised. There is no need to be a qualified accountant but a good understanding of finance is required.
Secretary: Take minutes of all meetings, prepare meeting agendas and distribute to FOSP members, monitor and reply to FOSP email.
Grants Officer: Responsibility for researching and applying for grants. This involves working with the school and committee to establish what needs funding, finding grants that are suitable for the school, gathering evidence and writing applications.
If any of the roles interest you, email or talk to one of the current committee members.
Our Fundraising Goals for 2023/2034 include:
Sound system in the hall
Developing the nurture provision
Subsidising trips
Providing extras for the classes.